︎ About

“...I love dancing. Sure i love dancing in real concerts and nightclubs too, but the dancing I truly enjoy is the dance the flowers do when the wind hits them. Or the extra step you take when you walk down the sidewalk to hit the beat.”
The rollercoaster 2022

“...I love dancing. Sure i love dancing in real concerts and nightclubs too, but the dancing I truly enjoy is the dance the flowers do when the wind hits them. Or the extra step you take when you walk down the sidewalk to hit the beat.”
The rollercoaster 2022


Chromart Art Gallery - Berlin: 01st - 12th of June 2024

Upcoming art exhibition:
16th - 20th October - North Art - Norway/Ås

Recent works

“Choose your character”  acrylic on canvas 2024 : To be viewed in Berlin 01st - 12th of June and more

“Emotional squid” Pen on paper 2023 : To be viewed in Berlin 01st - 12th of June and more

“Resting restlessly” pastel on paper

“The female object” pen & pencil on paper 2024

BOD - CPH flight sketch

     Kragerø 2022                                                                                                                      Skateboard 2023


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