︎ About

“...I love dancing. Sure i love dancing in real concerts and nightclubs too, but the dancing I truly enjoy is the dance the flowers do when the wind hits them. Or the extra step you take when you walk down the sidewalk to hit the beat.”
The rollercoaster 2022

“...I love dancing. Sure i love dancing in real concerts and nightclubs too, but the dancing I truly enjoy is the dance the flowers do when the wind hits them. Or the extra step you take when you walk down the sidewalk to hit the beat.”
The rollercoaster 2022


Consept developer & graphic designer

First edition: ¨SYRE¨ (English: acid) is the green edition. In color theory green represents acid, nausea, envy and health which is the theme throughout the magazine.

My team developed a magazine concept inspired by workout-magazines, but here we focused on how the body truly works. With articles containing alcholol, mental health and every aspect affecting your body.


The name SKROTT comes from the Norwegian nickname of the remaining body of an apple after you ate it. Apple scraps are slowly deteriorating, such as humans.

SKROTT magazine presents a realistic picture of how the body works and the way it's affected by all the factors in your life; ex. alcohol, workout, junkfood, salads, sex and relationships.

Our magazine is constructed around color theory. Each magazine-edition presents a different color where the positive and negative aspects of the meaning of the color is the theme throughout. 
The color-spilt in the middle Is a visual representation the positive and negative aspects in the magazine.


Through the different articles we want to adress “the acid” in your life, both physical and psychological, how they affect each other and your body. We want to incorporate tips from professionals on both aspects as well as stories from reality to showcase the different ways of living.


This article talks about how it is to be in a “toxic relationship” with psychological voilence. It adresses how the psychologial factors affects your physical body. A woman talks about her previous relationship, how she got out of it and we get a therapist to add some comments to what she may think would help her in this position. With a helpline number on the bottom.


This article talks about how the body is deteriorationg. We age slowly, but surely. Some are more affected than others.
The article is not meant to point fingers, but more explain of how the body works and how you can adjust this uncomfortable, but inevitable process.

Selected: Green edition

A commentary about how many of the older generation experience that the body deteriorates faster than the mind. 
Here we bring in different people to bring in different perspectives on the difficulties this brings. 
Further we write about the development of Alzheimers in a young body, to showcase the contrast and perspective.

Second edition:


(English: bruise)

The next edition of the magazine is “Blåmerke” and talks about every aspect associated with red: Sex, pain and love.
The name is inspired by the fact that a bruise can under these topics both be positive and negative, to highlight the contrast.